Facing life's challenges can be daunting and downright scary at times.  You don't have to face it alone.  That's what we are here for.  No one can walk in your shoes, but having someone walking  by your side during these difficult times can provide assurance that you can and will get the most out of life.

If you are alone whether it be through a relationship ending, or having lost a loved one through accident or illness, it helps to have someone to talk to, someone that understands and can help you get back on track.  

If you have received a life-changing, or terminal diagnosis and are feeling that you have nowhere to turn, please contact us, and let us help you to get the most out of life.  Learning to live 'til we  die is something that is important for everyone, but especially when you feel like you're getting short-changed.  Together we can make your life the very best it can be. 

Services and Packages
Together we will design a package that suits your individual needs.
Whether you just need someone to listen for a short session, or need a long-term package for you and/or family members.

We'll be there for as long or as little as it takes

Consultations start at $75 for the first hour, with additional periods
at  $25 for each additional half hour or portion thereof during the same session.  Personalized packages are available, at package prices.

 I offer a complementary initial consultation (no longer than 45 minutes)

Relationship Break-ups

Major changes in your life can feel like everything is crashing like waves against the rocks.  Just as the waves are absorbed back into the sea and it becomes a part of original body of water, so to will your life become whole once again. 

Whether it is the end of a short romance, or a divorce after a long marriage, having to find your way as 'you' instead of 'we' can be difficult. Having someone to talk to and assure you that you will get through this is helpful, and having someone assist while you navigate a new path can help you gain new found confidence to face the world.

Learning to be happy again is sometimes difficult, and knowing that you aren't all alone during this time helps immeasurably

Stress & Loss

Stress is part of our everyday lives, not being able to cope with it and get it under control can have disastrous consequences.  Sources of stress are many, sometimes something as inconsequential as a broken nail can be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.   Sometimes stress builds up until you feel like you'll explode.  Ideally, we can find ways to deal with your stress before you reach the point of exploding.  There are as many ways to cope with stress as there are types of stress.  Finding what helps is something that we will explore until we find something that works for you. 

Loss can take many shapes, from the loss of a piece of jewelry, a job, the house you've made a home, a beloved pet, a friend or a family member .  How you cope will vary on the type of person you are and the loss you've suffered.  You will get through it, sometimes it's the darkest before the dawn.  Even here you see that the sun can break through even the stormiest of skies.

Together we will find ways for you to cope with and conquer stress and loss.

Illness :
life-changing, long-term &/or terminal

 I once had a friend tell me that receiving a life-altering diagnosis is like falling off a cliff. Everything seems to go in slow motion, you struggle to comprehend anything beyond those first words that the Dr speaks, 'I'm sorry but.....'

Whether the diagnosis is life-changing, long-term or terminal, you have suddenly lost control of a portion of your life.  Your mind spins and finding a rational thought becomes nearly impossible, you begin to worry not just about yourself, but your loved ones as well. 

There are many ways to come to terms with what is going on, and getting help sooner rather than later can have a significant impact on your quality of life as well as those around you.  Depending on the nature of your diagnosis, geting the help you need, as well as getting some help for those you love early can have a major impact on the quality of life for everyone.

 We all need to learn to live until we die,  none of us should waste the valuable time we have.

Grief and Bereavement

WeWe often hear the terms Grief and Bereavement used together, they can manifest themselves in either order or simultaneously to differing degrees.  However it is noteworthy that these terms are not synonymous, and in fact have very different definitions.

GRIEF: noun
  • deep and poignant distress caused by as if by bereavement
  • a cause of such suffering

Grief manifests itself in many different ways, there is not a right or wrong way to grieve.  Grief isn't something that you get over, but rather something that you come to terms with and find ways of facing a new day without the part of you that has been lost.  Moving on with your life isn't about forgetting your loved one, but rather honoring them and remembering them in special ways and paying tribute to them by continuing to talk about them, and sharing good times and happy memories with others.  Sharing these memories with some who knew them and perhaps others that never got the opportunity to know them, but nonetheless are a part of your life and wish to share in the aspects that they missed out on allows you to talk about the days past, as you move ahead  to the life ahead of you. 

While bereavement is often mentioned after grief, it is indeed usually occurs immediately when you lose someone.

the state or fact of being bereaved  or deprived of someone or something. 

So while we often say Grief and Bereavement, it is actually just the opposite, the loss usually occurs prior to grief taking place.  However, having said that, sometimes in the case of terminal illness, grieving will and often does takes place prior to the death of your loved ones.  This does not always happen, but if you are experiencing this, we can and will talk about it either with you alone or with your loved one.  It is often helpful for you to be able to speak openly with one another about your feelings. 

We can have sessions individually, with your partner, or even group sessions with the entire family.